Tips For Gardening During a Dry Season
The 2023 garden season has been unusually dry for where I live, and for many other people as well. This summer, many regions that usually experience very hot dry summers have experienced more rain and cooler temperatures…
Fearing Failure in the Garden
We all have garden failures. Plants die, seeds don’t germinate, bugs and other pests eat our harvests. But it is okay, and any experienced gardener will tell you that. You cannot get all the information you need to have a successful garden from a seed packet, blog post, or even a class…
How to Garden on a Budget
I have been building/growing my garden for the past two years, and it has all been on a budget. Often times when you are looking for tips on gardening, it comes from people who have been gardening for years or even decades and their gardens are large and well established. As an aspiring gardener, it can be discouraging looking at these lavish gardens setups, thinking to yourself, how much you will have to invest to have a garden like that…
Seed Starting: 5 Things I Wish I Did Differently
In 2022, I started my first vegetable garden! I have been a houseplant owner/fanatic for years but caring for a garden was very different! I am still learning, and my opinions might even change by next season, but with just a couple months of this gardening journey I have already learned so much…
Garden With What You Got
This year we started our garden journey. We had to take building this garden slowly, DIY everything, and use the resources we had in order to stay within our budget. No one is going to have the same situation as us, or have the same resources, but I want to share to inspire and encourage you to figure out what supplies you may already have for your garden so that the whole process may seem less daunting and expensive.