About Me

Hey there! I’m Jess, and thanks for stopping in. I have always been a creative person, from drawing, designing, painting, or even playing music. As I have gotten older, my home has become my greatest creative outlet. I love to learn how to make foods from scratch and plate them beautifully. I love growing food as well. I’m currently in the process of creating a beautiful and thriving garden to take that “from scratch” cooking one step farther. And one of my biggest passions is designing our home. Even though most of the time that just entails dreaming up what could be, we are going to make those design dreams come true one DIY at a time. 

How We Got Here

My business started as a little Etsy shop (which is still up and running). I started my Etsy shop, because I loved to create and being able to share that with so many people was (and still is) amazing! After two years of Etsy, I began to notice that I was enjoying spending my time elsewhere, cooking, gardening, and home design, like I mentioned above. I had been learning so much, and was eager to start so many other projects, so I decided it was time to share my journey. I started this blog so I could do just that! Share my tips and inspire others to create in all aspects of their lives. We will soon be combining the shop and blog all right here on thewanderinghomeco.com

Why The Wandering Home?

I have now shared about my passion to create, but right up there with it, has always been my passion to help others. I graduated with a social work degree, but I quickly realized that specific path was not meant for me. However, my desire to help wherever I can remains, and my main focus has always been wanting to create a home for anyone who needs one. To be more specific, by “Home”, I mean a literal shelter or a loving community. I believe we all need and deserve both. To be honest, I do not know how to get to a place where we can make any of that happen, but if we can provide that to even one person that would be enough! I want to create a community that loves learning how to create a beautiful home for themselves, but that also has a heart to create homes for others.  While running my small business, I have donated a percentage of the profits to homeless shelters and non-profits, and I have tried to keep customers included in the process. This has been a great first step, but I can’t wait to see what will happen next, as our community hopefully grows. Big thanks to everyone who has been a part so far!